You don't know how to block intrusive ads on the Internet? Then you should try our Bad ADS Blocking ad blocker right now!

Just install and enjoy the Internet world without annoying ads!

Bad ADS Blocking is a combination of the existing ad blockers technology!

This is a full-featured ad blocker that runs on all websites,
moreover, it has the added benefits of privacy protection, malware blocking, and a pop-up blocker.

These block lists are automatically updated and virtually require no user maintenance.

Detailed description:

  • - ad blocking;
  • - removes social network widgets;
  • - increases user anonymity (counters and analytics systems removal);
  • - the ability to block any element on the page;
  • - the ability to disable the extension functioning completely or on a specific page;
  • - displays statistics on blocks.
Add to Chrome

Just like all ad blocking extensions we need the default permissions on each website to remove ads or pop-ups, such as embedded videos.

Google displays these messages when installing "Read and change all your data on the websites that you visit", "Display notifications".

Any video ads detection occurs on your computer and we do not see or track it.

You can find out more detailed information about our Bad ADS Blocking ad blocker on our page:
End User License Agreement.

We respect your privacy, please visit our page:
Privacy policy.